Saturday, May 15, 2010

I'm a Sales Woman, yes I am!

Yesterday I went knocking on doors with Husband. It was actually kind of fun! I was just happy to be with him honestly. Unfortunately, I still had to do my job of scheduling. Our office split up and there's some people in Fairbanks and some here in Anchorage. I DO NOT think this is a good idea. The techs are split up and it makes the wait for installs so much longer, which makes the salesmen not happy, which makes them mad at me, which doesn't make me happy. Overall, we had about 24 sales yesterday (12 in Fairbanks, 12 down here) and two techs here in Anchorage. My brain hurt from trying to keep track of who is where and who was doing what. It was absolutely INSANE.
And although I was tired and stressed and confused and didn't have time for anything (it came to a point where I sat on the side of the road and Husband went knocking), it wasn't as bad as not having him there. I just don't think I can do it again if the sales are going to be like that.


I saw a moose yesterday!!! She was just chilling in someone's yard. I never knew moose were that HUGE!! I took a picture with my phone, but unfortunately that phone is not working right now and I had to switch my SIM card over to Adam's old blackberry, which treats me just fine. :)

So, today I feel the effects of a not totally recovered body of mono being out in the cold for seven hours. I'm going to try to get some rest, but I still have a lot to do today.


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