Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I got a bike!! And since I purchased the above bike, I decided to go for an adventure! I really need to get my camera cleaned out because there's dust in it, so I found a place online that was about four miles away, hopped on the bike, and pedaled those four miles to my destination. Unfortunately, the camera place was closed, and I would have been mad if it hadn't so much fun! On the way back to the hotel, I saw this strange building and I had to take a picture of it, dust or no dust in the lens.

Cool Huh?! It was abandoned too!

In Anchorage they have these metal banner/statues all over town. I thought they were cool so I took some pictures.
I have wanted to post this up for a long time and I'm proud that I finally got around to doing it! I hope you like!
