Monday, July 11, 2011

I don't mean to brag but...

I got a new camera!!! And I LOVE it. I named her Charlotte. She's a Canon 60d and perhaps my new best friend? Let me tell you, I feel like Jazmine singing "A Whole New World". So, since I have a new best friend(?) I am now selling my Rebel XS because I don't quite need it anymore. If you are interested, check out my posting on KSL Here. Its a wonderful camera and was perfect for starting out on.
On even more exciting news, as of yesterday I have been married for two whole years! It's been the best two years of my life and everyday I ask myself how I got so lucky and thank my Heavenly Father for the wonderful blessing that is Husband. We ended up spending the night as the Peery Hotel in SLC and then on Saturday we went to the zoo. I took my husband and my new best friend(?) Charlotte with me and took some pictures as well as giggled like a school girl every time the shutter clicked. Here are some of the many pictures that I took. And keep in mind, these pictures do not give the camera justice. I was only having fun and it was a delightful day, full of husband and smelly animals, and yes. There is a difference.
I love this boy.
Aren't we Presh?

1 comment:

  1. Those last two animals are silly ;)
    but they are my favorite!
    I'm so excited for you and your new camera Charlotte. Looks like you 3 had so much fun!
