Thursday, July 29, 2010

Miss Him.

This poor guy took a nasty crash on his bicycle and shattered both sides of his nose, broke a bone in his cheek, eye socket, and one in his neck. He was in the hospital for a few days and just was able to get out today. It's good that he's home, it means I don't have to worry so much. It's hard to be so far away from my family right now but I know that everything will be okay. My mom will take amazing care of my little bro because that's just what she does. She's part Mom, part nurse, but mainly superwoman! I pray for them everyday and love them very much.
Davis is a champ. I was told that twice on the way to the hospital he asked, "How much air did I get?" (he crashed off a jump). Ha ha! I can't help but laugh, only he would ask something like that. I've also been told that he hasn't cried through it all. Ornery? Yes. Tears? No. That is definitely something that I would not last long doing. I did get to talk to him yesterday. He spoke slower and I had to speak very slowly so he could understand what I was saying, but he seems to be doing well (considering the fact that he broke his face.)
Husband has been a wonder to live with. He's been nothing but comforting and loving. It sucks being so far away and not being able to help, but Husband has helped carry the load weighing down on me. (There's another thing to add to my list of "Why Marriage Rocks With My Husband": The load is always lighter.)

Anyway, I'm going to go. Be prepared for more pictures... They're coming!

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